Tone Production Education  «Prev  Next»

Two distinct kinds of Knowledge

1) how to treat the instrument, 2) provide the required muscular conditions

We learn from all this, that facility and education in the art of tone-production, rest on two distinct kinds of knowledge and attainments:
  1. We must understand 1) how to treat the instrument and
  2. we must be able to 2) provide the required muscular conditions to enable us to fulfill such treatment.
Education in tone-production hence divides into the two departments:
  1. instrumental education (the keyboard or piano), and
  2. muscular education.
We will now consider these two departments in slightly further detail.

Instrumental Education:

This implies that we must learn thoroughly to understand the nature of the instrument, and the conditions under which alone it will respond to our wish. We must learn thoroughly to understand what is the nature of the particular treatment the key demands for each and every type of sound and shading. Since it is alone through such difference in treatment that each difference in tone can be induced.