Mechanical Principles  «Prev  Next»

Mechanical Principles

  1. The problem of physiological mechanics resolves itself in the variations of force produced at the key surface by the player.
  2. The final result of all technical movements at the keyboard is this force variation.
  3. The body becomes a machine, and, like all machines, must obey the laws of mechanical action.

Action and Reaction

The following apply to physiological motion as well as to mechanical motion in general.
  1. Action and reaction,
  2. Equilibrium of forces,
  3. Dependence of a force upon mass and acceleration.
  4. Laws of a lever.

Piano playing involves a complex interplay of physiological and mechanical principles.
Physiological Principles:
  1. Muscle Coordination: Piano playing requires precise coordination of multiple muscle groups throughout the arms, hands, and fingers. This includes both large muscle groups for movements like arm weight transfer and small muscle groups for fine finger control.
  2. Motor Control: The brain plays a crucial role in planning and executing the intricate movements involved in piano playing. The motor cortex, cerebellum, and basal ganglia work together to control timing, force, and accuracy.
  3. Sensory Feedback: Pianists rely on tactile feedback from the keys and auditory feedback from the sound produced to adjust their movements and maintain control.
  4. Muscle Memory: Through repeated practice, pianists develop muscle memory, which allows them to perform complex sequences of movements automatically without conscious effort.

Mechanical Principles:
  1. Leverage: The piano's action is based on a series of levers that translate the force applied to the keys into movement of the hammers, which strike the strings.
  2. Force and Velocity: The force applied to the keys, combined with the velocity of the keystroke, determines the loudness (dynamics) of the sound produced.
  3. Inertia: The pianist's limbs and the piano's mechanism possess inertia, which means they resist changes in motion. Pianists must overcome inertia to initiate movements and control their speed.
  4. Friction: Friction exists between the pianist's fingers and the keys, as well as within the piano's mechanism. This friction can affect the control and feel of the instrument.

In addition to these fundamental principles, piano playing also involves ergonomic considerations to prevent injuries and optimize performance. Pianists must maintain proper posture, hand position, and movement patterns to avoid strain and fatigue. Understanding these physiological and mechanical principles can help pianists develop efficient and effective technique, enhance their musical expression, and prevent injuries. It is also an area of ongoing research, as scientists continue to explore the intricate relationship between the brain, body, and instrument in piano performance.

Fixed Properties of Matter

As a basis of the investigation, we have certain fixed properties of matter which need to be differentiated.
  1. Rigidty: The property of matter, which as a result of its shape cannot easily be changed.
  2. Plasticity: That property of matter which enables it to be molded into different forms.
  3. Elasticity: That property of matter which causes a body to return to its original shape after the forces responsible for its change have ceased to act.
  4. Compressibility: That property of matter which permits a diminution of volume.
  5. Expansibility: The opposite of compressibility. Air is both compressible and expandable.
  6. Weight: The mass per unit volume of matter.
  7. Inertia: In German, inertia is known as "die Trägheit". A body remains in a fixed state until acted upon by exeternal forces.

Physiological Mechanics