Neural-Circulatory Systems  «Prev  Next»

Circulatory Systems

  1. The effects of the circulation upon piano technique are somewhat less important than those of muscular construction.
  2. The following is a brief survey of the fourth part of the human organism.


  1. The blood-supply for the arm is furnished by an intricate system of blood-vessels, with the axillary [1] artery situated in the shoulder region.
  2. The artery has six branches, each of which again subdivides into smaller arteries.
  3. The main artery of the upper arm is the brachial artery which runs along the inner side of the arm.
  4. The brachial artery gives off five branches, some leading to the muscles and others leading to the tissues.
  5. Immediately below the elbow, this artery divides into two branches.
  6. Branches from these arteries feed the muscles of the forearm.
  7. From this point the smaller arteries of the hand and finger, the arterioles [2] are met.
  8. Paralleling this system of arteries is the venal system carrying the blood back to the larger veins and thence to the heart.
  9. The capillaries are microscopic tubes which connect the arterioles with the smallest branches of the veins.
  10. By means of the capillaries, blood reaches practically every part of the body.
  11. The average diameter of the capillary[3] is considerably less than one-thousandth of an inch.

What role does Circulation Play in Piano Technique?

Circulation refers to the fluid movement of the fingers on the piano keys, allowing for smooth and efficient playing. In piano technique, proper circulation is essential for playing legato (smoothly connected) passages and for maintaining control over the fingers while playing complex or fast passages. It is important to practice proper hand and finger positioning, as well as scales and arpeggios to improve dexterity and flexibility, in order to develop good circulation in piano playing.

[1] axillary: adj. [Fr. axillaire] 1. Anat. of or near the axilla. 3. axilla n. [L. armpit: see AXIS] the armpit .
[2] arteriole : n. [ModL. arteriola, dim. of L arterio, ARTERY] any of the smaller blood muscles intermediate in size and position between arteries and capillaries- arteriolar adj. An arteriole is a small-diameter blood vessel in the microcirculation that extends and branches out from an artery and leads to capillaries.
[3] capillary: adj. [L. capillaris < capillus, hair] 1. a tube with a very small bore: also capillary tube
2. any of the tiny blood vessels connecting the arteries with the veins.