Neural-Circulatory Systems  «Prev  Next»

Neural Circulatory Conclusion

  1. The purpose of repetition is to transfer the neural representation of a movement from the higher brain centres to the lower spinal reflex centres.
    Repetition is physiologically necessary in piano practice and no adequate substitute exists for it.
  2. The whole neural system is opposed to isolated or disintegrated action.
    a) The smallest movement of piano technique involves, actively or passively, the trunk as well as the arm, hand, and fingers.
  3. Piano technique requires a coordination among the various sense-departments.
    1) Auditory 2) Visual 3) Kinesthetic
  4. Efficiency of bodily movement is directly connected with a particular area of the brain known as the motor area.
  5. Efficiency of bodily movements depends upon the condition of the circulation.
    a) An adequate blood supply to nerves and muscles is absolutely indispensable to their proper functioning.
  6. Variations in the technical proficiency may sometimes be traced to variations in the respective circulatory systems.