Welcome to Keyboard Technique

The comparison of empirical with direct methods of teaching must be analyzed during the acquisition of technique. Practice will be unprofitable, unless the practice tends towards the acquisition of variety in touch and through the formation of correct habits. Only by a preliminary practical understanding of the "Laws of Tone-production" can this be ensured. Such understanding is insufficient by itself and the rules of procedure must be transformed into mental-muscular habits. In addition, the form of attention a fully-trained artist gives during the act of performance, must hence widely differ from that required from someone who is in the process of learning.

Comparison of the Accidental with the Rational Methods of attaining Touch

A talented individual may happen to discover the correct forms of tone-production, and the less-talented will probably fail. Tone productlon discovered by accident is easily forgotten. On the other hand, this is not likely to occur, once the facts of tone production are understood. The rational method of acquiring tone-production is based on the knowledge of the laws that govern it. The formation of correct habits of touch is ensured, when we understand what treatment the key requires for each different kind of sound, and the nature of the muscular-conditions by means of which such key-treatment can be fulfilled.
Three stages of acquaintanceship which are possible with regard to tone-production:
  1. Ability to obtain the effects from the instrument, while ignorant of the processes adopted;
  2. Understanding the nature of these processes, how key and limb have to be treated for each effect ;
  3. Perception of the reason for such treatment.

Act of Touch

Nature of Action

Physiological Mechanics of Piano Technique
Shoulder Muscle Used
Types of Mechanical Work  
Hand Muscles
Geometry Physiological Movement  
Action and Reaction

Modern Technique
Modern Technique
Forearm Rotation

It has been said that if some of this discipline and persistence were transformed into the intellectual and mechanical processes of technique, a great deal of time would be saved and the crusade for first class pianism might be greatly advanced. One needs to understand the basic laws of
  1. physiology,
  2. mechanical operation,
  3. motion, and
  4. gravity
in order to play the piano efficiently. Anyone with the desire to play the piano can do so. If that person also has musical talent, the process will be quicker, for then a good eye hand coordination more than likely exists. With thoughtful practicing and a basic understanding of mechanical principles, all pianistic demands can be met.