Forearm Rotation  «Prev  Next»

Rotation used in Daily Activities

Forearm rotatory-actions are not a special process, solely applicable for piano playing and keyboard technique. On the contrary, the forearm rotatory motions are used everywhere in our daily lives.


You have to apply rotary motion of the forearm when you bring your fork down to your plate, prongs downwards, and again when you bring your food to your mouth. When writing, it is the invisible rotatory exertions of your forearm which turns your hand over, and which presses your pen upon the paper. You turn your door-handle and turn the key in its lock by applying the rotational force invisibly, until the door-handle or the key gives way, and discloses the true nature of the exertion.
Obviously, you wind your watch by visibly disclosed rotatory exertions. When using the screwdriver needs forearm rotation, both visible and invisible, since the fingers move only in cooperation with the forearm.
As a final example, you cannot properly press your bow on your violin or cello strings, without such invisible rotatory exertion of the forearm. Consequently, bad bowing on a string instrument is a result of a lack of rotary movement in the forearm. This fact has been overlooked by teachers who do not understand the application of rotary actions.

There is hardly any action in everyday life that does not largely depend upon visible or invisible forearm rotary help. When we come to the delicate process of piano playing, the laws of forearm rotation must be adhered to, in order to play effortlessly.