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Touch Movements Conclusion

In conclusion, I would like to say that the touch movements should be analyzed to determine the types of senations that a player receives in the fingers, hand and foream.
Note: The full weight of the arm can be applied during tone-production without showing the slightest hint of any movement of the arm or wrist whatever. The arm can be either
  1. fully or
  2. partially
relaxed irrespective of any actual movement of it, provided the finger and hand exertions are ample and are properly focused on tone production.

Forearm Rotation Touch

The same question arises with respect to the constant reversals and repetitions of the forearm when using Rotation. The rotary movements may be allowed to become evident as actual movements, or they may be totally hidden from view (during performance) .When the finger initiates the movement, the hand and forearm will follow.
In fact, most of the processes of tone-production need not be disclosed as movements, since the motions are exaggerated during practice and hidden during performance. On the other hand, visible rotary movements do not form a sure indication of the actual processes employed or needed during tone production.